Welcome to BCYT
Raising standards in Yoga Therapy in the UK

The British Council for Yoga Therapy (BCYT) is...
A professional forum operating in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
It is made up of professional yoga therapy training organisations and professional organisations whose members are Yoga Therapists.
Our mission is to ...
Promote high standards in the training, education and regulation of Yoga Therapists in the UK
BCYT accredits Yoga Therapy training to ensure that therapists cover the nationally agreed core curriculum
BCYT assessors make in-person visits to courses and check submitted work
Accredited training is recognised by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
Yoga Therapy is Yoga where there is a specific need or needs.
Yoga Therapy views the person as a whole; an integrated system of mind, body, emotional and spiritual aspects. Yoga Therapy can address different aspects as appropriate, to promote healing and improve health.
For example, Yoga Therapy can allow us to develop better body alignment if we have joint or back pain, encourage a quietening of the mind to help deal with stress or anxiety or to find space inside where we can begin to feel more comfortable and peaceful with ourselves.
Yoga Therapy news - find us on Facebook here
Yoga in Health Conference - London, Feb 2019
Yoga Therapy Conference - Amsterdam, May 2019